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NZ to run out of Hair Clippers

Yes, it's true. We currently have over a thousand pieces in stock and hundreds more on order but we know how many we sell per day and we know the stock situation with all the major NZ suppliers. Meanwhile, hair continues to grow and so does our frustration levels with our out of control hair. I gave in last week and had my first buzz cut and it's bloody great. I'm going to keep my hair like this for a long time. You can see how it all went down right here:

Back to the point. Get your hair clippers this week and sort out your hair or be prepared to ask your neighbours if you can borrow theirs. NZ is going to run our of hair clippers within 10 days....for sure. 

PS: Some of you might say Air Freight is the solution to NZ's upcoming shortage. That might work if prices hadn't gone up 5-10x from usual and check this out. Here is a graph showing global Google searches for Hair Clippers....I really should rename this article to the WORLD is about to run out of hair clippers.